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The Talent Authority has the resources to assist you in identifying state and federal funds that may be available to offset the cost of your development initiative.  




Eligible employers can access state funds through The Talent Authority to off-set the costs of training that we deliver for you.  Subsidies vary based on eligibility.  As a very first step, we recommend completing a no-obligation eligibility questionnaire.  Once approved, the state off-set is dependent on the number of trainees.  Most companies see a training subsidy that pay for 45-80% of the delivery fees.

Private Training Delivered Onsite at Your Facility or via Zoom

We discuss your training objectives, scope your project, and provide you the total delivery fee.  We then estimate the state subsidy given the number of participants and deduct that estimate from the fee.  The balance is what your company pays!  We handle the state cash flow.   You will only pay for trainees (1) that do not complete training hours, (2) who are not retained in full-time employment in California 90 days after training, (3) that are not paid at least $22.66 per hour ($24.72 in Bay Area), which may include up to $2.50 in employer paid health benefits. 

Training Delivered via Zoom

Enroll your leaders into the Talent Academy for Leaders, which is an 8 session program, which is delivered virtually via Zoom.  Just pay the $350 enrollment fee and we take care of the rest.  Trainees will need to (1) complete the 8 session program, (2) stay employed with your company for 90 days after training, and (3) earn between $22.00 and $85.00 per hour, which may include up to $2.50 in employer-paid health benefits.  Upcoming training dates.


Whether you’re growing and hiring or need to train existing employees, The Talent Authority will provide resources to assist you in applying for State of Florida training funds to off-set the cost of training by up to 75%.


If you are not in Florida or California, don’t worry.  We have resources to provide you with both federal and state funding to offset the costs of training, including grant writing services.

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