Customized Options for Mid-Level Talent
Specifically designed for busy mid-level leaders that are tasked to produce results through teams of individuals, Talent Authority offers two customized approaches, which blend organizational requirements and individual leader needs. Participants receive situational self-awareness regarding everyday leadership tendencies, leadership in stressful situations and the environment they will foster as a leader. This insight is then applied to mid-level leadership competencies, which are customized according to individual and organizational needs.
Audience: Director to vice president, emerging mid-to-senior leaders, department leaders, multi-function leaders, leaders of leaders, and/or reporting to executive team. Individuals must be self-motivated and open to development. Note: Program can be modified to be delivered entirely as a group program of 6-16 leaders within an organization.
A blend of assessments, pre-work, group training, and one-on-one sessions is the framework for option 1. Core concepts from our Talent Academy for Leaders program are covered in this development option. Please note that one-on-one sessions may continue after the final session and may include any topic from Option 2.
Session 1: Inventory Survey and Intake Discussion
Complete Hogan Leader Insights Assessment
Session 2: Assessment Debrief (90 min)
Session 3: Styles (with assessment) – 4 Hour Group Session
Session 4: Communicating – 4 Hour Group Session
Session 5: Coaching – 4 Hour Group Session
Session 6: Conflict
Session 7: Engagement | Retention
Session 8: Performance Management
Session 9: Change
Session 10: Teamwork (with 5 Behaviors assessment)
In-depth independent work assignments, assessments and one-on-one sessions are the basis for option 2. Individuals enrolling in this option should already demonstrate many of the essential leadership competencies listed under sessions
4-9 of Option 1. A custom program will be created given the individual’s development needs.
Session 1: Inventory Survey and Intake Discussion
Complete Hogan Leader Insights Assessment
Session 2: Assessment Debrief (90 min)
Session 3: Styles and Communicating (with assessment)
Session 4: Coaching --as a Leader-- to a Leader
Additional Development Sessions May Include (not limited to):
Implementing Change
Mastering Decisions (with Hogan Judgment assessment)
Utilizing the Working Genius Productivity Tool
Emotional Intelligence
Engaging and Retaining Top Talent
Influencing Stakeholders
Instilling Team Innovation
Developing Talent
Make Strategy a Reality
Option 1: Build Essential Leadership Skills
Group and One-On-One Sessions
Option 2 : Critical Mid-Level Leader Skills
Private One-On-One Sessions