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Transformational Insight Into Leadership Potential, Challenges and Values

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Three Circles depicting the three Hogan Assessments:  HPI, HDS and MVPI

Hogan's Leadership Forecast Series (LFS)  is the gold standard for personality assessments, specifically designed for the business community.   Unlike other assessments that measure how an individual sees themselves, the assessment measures how others' view the individual.   It accounts for the adjustment individuals make (or do not make) in their personality to accomplish a task or interaction.   This is the missing piece in other assessments.  And, why other assessments don't resonate with individuals like this assessment Series does.  The Series is broken down into three distinct reports that measure behavior and values:

  • Potential Report describes strengths and development needs as a manage and executive.   It is based on the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and is organized into seven dimensions, each addressing a different component of performance.  Answers the question:  Can someone do the job with the characteristics needed to perform the job?


  • Challenge Report is designed to help develop a leader by providing insight into behaviors that could potentially undermine or inhibit performance during stress, boredom, complacency or lack of engagement.    The results are based on the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and offers suggestions for leading more effectively.  Answers the question:  What will get in someone's way in getting results? 


  • Values Report describes core values, motivations and goals that affect careers.  The items measured are an essential part of someone's identity and shape the choices that are made about work, play, and relationships.   The assessment uncovers drives, fit, style/culture and unconscious biases through the Motivations, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI).  Answers the questions:  Will someone enjoy their work environment?  What type of work environment will they want to create?


The series is available in four leadership formats:  (1) executive level, (2) mid-level (3) leadership team, and (4) frontline.   

Additional assessments can be added on that measure (1) the ability to solve problems and make business decisions along with (2) the ability to learn, decide and adapt.  Incorporating these provides a well-rounded objective view of the leader.  We incorporate the Hogan Leadership Assessment into our mid-level leader development solutions (learn more).

Does Your Company Need to?

  • Acquire Talent.  Select the best people for the right jobs.   The assessments are scientifically valid and reliable, which mean they compliant to use in hiring and in employment decisions.  

  • Develop Talent.   Provide insights and focused plans for development and leadership effectiveness at any leave and especially and the mid and senior-level.

  • Identify High Potentials and Succession Planning.  Identify and manage high potentials to determine who can move into different roles in the organization.

  • Create Team Effectiveness.   Understand strengths, weaknesses, and values of the team and how personalities combine to support or hinder team (and organizational) effectiveness.

  • Increase Leader Effectiveness.  Interpret assessment data to drive strategic self-awareness and create actionable goals for leadership success through one-on-one coaching.

Talent Authority:

  • Identifies position requirements, deploys the assessment to candidates, develops customized behavioral interview questions for candidates and debriefs decision makers on  candidate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks.

  • Incorporates results into individualized and customized leadership development plans that may include group training, coaching or mentoring.

  • Synthesizes organizational, department or position requirements and map these to specific leadership competencies that can be assessed.    

  • Facilitates group sessions so that team members gain greater insight into each other's personalities and how team members strengths can be harnessed and weaknesses can be managed with the team.

  • Increases the self-awareness and effectiveness of a leader through a one-on-one one-time debrief or multi-session coaching program.

Leadership Forecast Series

In total 28 dimensions of personality are measured in the Series, which map directly to leadership success.  

  • Outlines day-to-day leadership style, behaviors and implications.

  • Details inherent personality characteristics which contribute to the achievement and goals and desires.

  • Highlights stress- or complacency-induced responses that impede a leader's performance.

  • Predicts career derailing behaviors that interfere with the ability to build cohesive teams.

  • Identifies cultural and values connections and disconnects.

  • Uncovers work-related motivators and values that influence leadership style and the environment they will create.

Many of the 28 dimensions are correlated to one another, which requires deep analysis and expertise.   Utilize Talent Authority's experts to provide the biggest return on your investment.   We can supplement the 54-page report with coaching or development along with (1) a five-step development planning framework or (2) a self-guided summary.

Leadership Insights Series

Talent Authority also offers a version, called the Insights Series.   It measures all 28 dimensions and provides a scaled-back brief report.  The Insights report is coupled with a 90-minute debrief.

Hogan Flash Report

Why Research and Expertise Matters

When it comes to hiring mid-to-senior level positions, succession planning, senior-level development, and high-potential identification, Talent Authority offers only the most scientifically valid and reliable assessments that are recognized and available worldwide.  Businesses cannot make mistakes when making high-stakes talent decisions.   Couple science with Talent Authority's expertise:  Allow us to help you navigate these decisions.

Talent Authority brings Fortune 500 talent technology to small and mid-sized organizations.

Success Icon with money and people

Business success depends on making good decisions about money and people.

peaks and valleys of performance

Using data to support decisions about people is always best practice. 

icon denoting an assessment

Our assessments provide an unbiased and scientific basis for making informed decisions about people.

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