About Talent Authority
For over 25 years, Talent Authority has been at the forefront of enhancing organizational talent. Our diverse team consists of expert training facilitators, instructional designers, training administrators, executive coaches, and e-learning specialists. Each year, we roll out hundreds of training and development initiatives, reaching thousands of participants throughout the world, covering a wide range of topics such as leadership development, personality assessment, communication, customer service, emotional intelligence, and interviewing skills, among others.
We employ a suite of top-tier assessment tools to accurately identify personality traits and developmental needs, ensuring our programs are targeted and effective at the individual level. The heart of our services is the principle of fostering self-awareness and understanding the influence one has on others, regardless of the role.
Our offerings are designed to be flexible and adaptable, suitable for individual leaders or scalable to encompass all leadership or employees within an organization.
Our team of professionals are passionate about the impact they have on organizational talent. Allow Talent Authority to help improve your talent’s impact.
Management Consulting and Advisory Services
Businesses have created a strategy because they want results. Between that strategy and the desired results is the organization's talent. Unfortunately, most businesses haven't approached the talent part of the equation with the same kind of rigor that they use for other parts of the business. While every business is concerned with data about finances and profit, most do not realize that there are equally important people data points that can help them succeed with their talent strategy.
The Talent Authority's Management Consulting & Advisory Services optimizes talent practices
and provides executives with an analytical approach that will propel their organization's talent processes toward achieving results.
We examine an organization's strategy along with its key performance indicators (KPIs) and ensure alignment with the mission, vision and values of the organization. We then identify the competencies required to achieve desired results and align these to;
Job Descriptions
Interviewing and Selection
Performance Management Practices
Compensation and Bonuses
Coaching and Development
Career Ladders and Succession Planning
Engagement Practices
Strategy Execution

Executive Coaching
Every successful athlete has a coach. These athletes recognize the value of the wide-ranging support that coaches provide. Talent Authority coaches help executives achieve results through their talent.
Leadership Coaching
Leaders are often promoted into key positions based on technical skill, merit and accomplishments. Oftentimes, these do pair up to leadership ability. Leaders must tailor their approach to each one of their direct reports and this can be challenging given the critical nature of their positions where results matter. Our coaches provide the tips, tools and resources that will fast-track leaders on accomplishing strategic tasks through talent.